Drawing and Sketching
a 3-hour class
Advanced Beginner and Beyond
with local artist Alan Maurer
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: The Nelson Gallery
Email: classes4nelsongallery@gmail.com for more information and to sign-up
Phone: 540-817-8425 – Wednesday through Saturday, 11-5
Price: $75.00
Space is limited to 7
This class is for advanced beginners and beyond.
Alan Maurer will guide you through the essential skills needed to create a successful drawing.
To help give an appreciation and understanding of how a successful drawing (or work of art in almost any medium) will require:
an emotional connection to the subject of the drawing;
creative emphasis (exaggeration?) of elements of the subject (line, shape, color, light, value, composition, perspective, point of view, etc.);
and artistic license over details.
Session will begin with a brief introduction of the host and participants (10 minutes)
Next will be a brief discussion of drawing definition, theory and practice (15 minutes)
Participants will then demonstrate their current level of skill with pencil drawing (5 minutes)
Next will be an exposition and demonstration of essential techniques including perspective. This will include understanding “tricks” and techniques intended to improve drawing results (20-30 minutes)
Participants will then use these techniques to exercise and hone their skills a preliminary drawing session (15 minutes)
Host will then offer feedback and a generalized critique of observed results (up to 10 minutes)
Midpoint break (10 minutes)
The session will finish with Participants and host in an interactive drawing session of a subject (to be provided by the host) that will allow participants to demonstrate to themselves that the seminar has led to improvement in their own work (75 minutes, or time remaining)
Wrap-up (10 minutes)
Times are approximate and will vary depending on the skill levels of the participants
Drawing subjects will be provided by the host
The session will last 3 hours, and include a break (at roughly the mid-point), and a wrap-up/feedback/question period at the end.
Participants should bring paper of their choice, pencil(s) and an eraser (optional, but discouraged). If there is a particular subject the participant wishes to draw, they may bring that also, if it fits in the room.
Art Class Quick Links
​Alan Maurer - September 14 (over)
Brett LaGue - November 13
Purnell Pettyjohn - October 30 AM
Purnell Pettyjohn - October 30 PM